Draughts Galore
Download page

Current release is 1.0.3

Select a version for your device (all packages include manual, but you can also download it separately):

Special  features
Buy it !
PCR_DrgG_S40-1.0.3.zip Nokia Series 40:  7210, 6610, 6100, 7250, 6650, 3300.  Also works on Series 60 devices, but with a smaller board size. Tone sound, back lights, full screen. 3650 keypad recognition.
Buy from Handango
PCR_DrgG_S60-1.0.3.zip Nokia Series 60:  3650, 7560
Tone sound, full screen, 3650 keypad recognition Buy from Handango
Nokia Series 60:  3650, 7560  wave sound. Registraion code is compatible with tone version.
Wave sound, full screen
3650 keypad recognition

Motorola 388c and 388
Tone sound  and back lights (m388c), touchscreen.
Buy from Handango
PCR_DrgG_A830-1.0.3.zip Motorola A830
Wave sound
Buy from Handango
PCR_DrgG_i95cl-1.0.3.zip Motorola  i95cl (IDEN)
MIDI sound
Buy from Handango
PCR_DrgG-1.0.3.zip Any J2ME device with  screen size 160x160, or more. Recommended choice for Motorola T720.

Buy from Handango
PCR_DrgG_MM-1.0.3.zip Any device compatible with  J2ME 2.0  Multimedia API.
Wave sound, if supported, tone sound otherwise

DraughtsGaloreManual-1.0.3.zip Manual (PDF format)  separately


Draughts Galore main page


Online Manual

Designed with Netscape Composer 7.02
Maintained by Michael Glickman